Want Lists

Thursday, February 3, 2011


So after a two and a half hour long commute, I hit the Target right near work and BINGO!!!  Still in the cardboard box not even on display was some blasters and an unopened, unsearched gravity feeder!!!!  I grabbed one blaster and five single packs from the feeder. Now the tease sits in my cube. I will post my findings at some point today.


  1. Don't let your boss see those packs!

  2. hahaha I don't think she would know what they were ... and besides, it's research for designing healthcare book covers, yes that's it!! ... Baseball Cards in Long-Term Care.

  3. BTW, Topps, nice work this year!!!! Clean design, great photos, and nice inserts!!!! Will post some images tonight along with my blaster results.

  4. It is now official-I am the only card blogger who has not bought any 2011 Topps. Maybe I'll make it to Target today.
