Thursday, January 31, 2013

Are you Man enough?

Ok, so not a baseball card post today, but I'll let this Stan "The Man" Musial help me lead into this post. I am sure many on this blogroll play fantasy baseball and I know a couple of you readers are in this same league that I am referring to.

It's a 30-team, franchise, dynasty league that is starting up. I am not the commisioner but did say I would try to help him fill in the last three spots.

The league charter is linked under my want lists for you to look at. I have played with a number of the guys in the league and it's a great group. There's a good amount of trading and people are from all over the country and a couple outside the U.S.. It is a daily league and you need to be active in that you have full active rosters.

If you want to see if you're ready for a Man's league, please email Bryan at    bluhrs   at

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